No Retirement for Me

To work or not to work.  That is the question when one reaches the age of retirement which is usually around the age of 65.  Why it is a question at all should be looked at.

You might want to consider that the body was meant to be busy and industrious.   It was meant to be used with the idea that it will serve us well, if used and not abused.

When one goes away for vacation and is absent from work, or the body lacks work then one finds that illness and a sluggish body results.  This we know essentially already.

Should one consider retirement?  I AM (and there’s those two little words again-I AM) in the prime of my life, doing what I love doing and enjoying the activity and motion and decided there’s no retirement for me.  I’m attracting everything I need and want in this life at this moment so what’s else is there to do but DO IT!

For you-perhaps…but everyone’s has a choice.  🙂

Front cover I AM Spirit

“In seeking the Truth, we discover ourselves…In living the Truth, we define ourselves”. mmr