To all the Kenny’s out there…

Kenny is just a guy in his 30’s.  He has a fiancé and also a daughter that is about 6 years old that’s been diagnosed with ADHD.  She loves for her daddy to read to her at night and usually likes a different book each night, too.

Today Kenny stopped by our booth at our Review Party and just simply went through each of the children’s books, making comments like, NO WAY! He said our books were perceptive, too.

Such a joy Kenny was!  He was so into books…and likes the HOW TO informational books the best for himself.  Says he has them on his internet device so that when he has 30-40 min. downtime, he can enjoy reading and learning something.  WHAT A JOY to have met Kenny today.

Kenny is like a breath of fresh air…knows the value of reading and learning….and loves the glossaries at the back of our books.


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